21 Day Challenge!

nam myoho renge kyo

10 minutes.

Morning and evening.

3 weeks.

Easy, right? Why don’t you challenge yourself to commit to this much, just to see what might happen…? Keep each other updated in the comments below!

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13 thoughts on “21 Day Challenge!

  1. Monica Singh

    Taking up 21 days challenge from today. I will keep posted my daily journey for next 21 days. NMRK

    • Sabrina

      Did you finish? Or fell off.

  2. Gabbi

    I’ve been chanting for 15 months now – I enjoy it but and this is a but things appear to be getting worse, things I am chanting for (they are not material things more situational) are just getting worse, more difficult to deal with not easier. I did a bit of a test some weeks ago and things stabilised, but I did miss chanting, so I started again and things have escalated (not in a good way) – why is this, I am so confused.

  3. Ashley

    Just started my journey today! So excited to see what this has in store for me, I am chanting for self love and happiness. I love reading and hearing the testimonies, it gives me hope. Will update again on the 21st day.

  4. Jo

    I started chanting a week ago after reading a book that mentioned it. I have to say, I’m going through a particularly hard time at the moment and whether or not I get any other benefit, it keeps me on an even keel, more steady, less emotional.
    It feels really good while I’m doing it and that feeling lasts throughout the day.
    Certainly intend to keep it up

    • Jessica

      That’s great your chanting has had such a positive effect on your mood, Jo. I hope things have improved for you ❤️

  5. Helen Shultz

    I’ve started my 21 day NMRK challenge today, 2/22/2021.

    • Jessica

      Fantastic, Helen! I hope it’s going well for you 🙂

  6. David

    I agree, its all about intention..For me it is about focus on the connection with infinite, divine presence in this moment.. rather than for any specific result..If anything focus on your harmony and balance, which will in line manifest as experiences aligned to your connection with source..

    • Jessica

      Hi David, I couldn’t agree more! I explore different things to think about in my “5 Ways To Focus Your Mind…” article, but my go-to intention is also a very simple focus on being happy. The specific manifestations in your life will still come about if you go a bit higher-level in your intention. Thanks for your comment!

  7. Jessica

    Hi Christopher, yes you don’t need to worry at all about your pace! As long as you’re chanting out loud, consistently every day, that will do the trick. The speed or number of recitations doesn’t really matter. Keep us posted on how the challenge is going for you!

  8. Eric


    I’m just wondering what you think is better, quantity or quality? I notice SGI rattle off really fast or the recording I found from a Nichiren Shu priest was slow and deliberate with a drum and he says Namu rather than nam which I guess slows you down anyway. The more Daimoku the better I guess.

    • Jessica

      Hi Eric, that’s an excellent question! For me, intention and consistency are the key factors for effective practice. I don’t think the “number” of daimoku is really as important as making sure you practice regularly and consistently, ideally every day, even if you can sometimes only squeeze in a few minutes. The actual speed of your recitation isn’t a big deal really. Depending on my mood, sometimes I like to keep it very slow and almost melodic, other times I find myself getting really into it and my speed hits those SGI rapid-fire levels. Most of the time it’s somewhere in the middle. So I’d say “quality” over quantity for sure, but I don’t even mean the quality of your pronunciation, rather the quality of your intention to tune out distractions and dedicate that time to Connect with the practice. I hope that makes sense? As for Namu vs Nam, again I don’t think it makes a huge difference – I prefer the rhythm of Nam and that’s what I started with so I stick with that, but Namu is also perfectly fine for whoever prefers that way. The intention behind your practice is the same either way.

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