This is just a brief post, to mainly say… YAAAAAAAY! After a year of hard work, culminating in the last three months of research, reading, writing and editing, it’s all done! I submitted my final dissertation this week, and so closed this latest chapter of my life. Goodbye student life!
Author: Jessica
Stressful Serenity
In the midst of the dissertation storm, with only snippets written and a mountainous 15000-word cohesive whole yet to be created, maybe now is a good time to tell you just how wonderful I’m feeling about it all! After all, the focus of this blog is to teach you about and perhaps even encourage you […]
Parklife: Practice for Paradise
So today marks 3 months exactly until the big departure – flights are officially booked so it’s really happening! The last couple of weeks have also served as a glorious preview of life in the tropics. With the sun beating down and London temperatures reaching a whopping 36 degrees, I was lucky enough to be able to spend […]
A Catastrophic Course Correction
Yesterday, the beautiful #beinghappiness coach Gail M. Schock posted this advice on her Facebook page: Okay so today people… Take It Easy New Moon, expect lots of travel madness, cancelled meetings, teariness, perhaps even a little distress. This isn’t you, it’s the pull of the water. My suggestion? Laugh a lot. Enjoy a salt […]
The First Step
I had a little epiphany last night. Little epiphanies are not unusual in my little over-thinking head, as you’ll come to know if you stick with me. Last night’s epiphany concerned this blog and this very post. For it had struck me that since that little ditty of a “First Post” below, I’ve struggled to start […]
The Story So Far…
Ex-programmer, starts chanting nam myoho renge kyo, wakes up, quits the day job, studies religious stuff, goes to paradise, explores the universe. This is my journey, spiritual and literal.