The End of an Era, a New Beginning

Goodbye Student LifeThis is just a brief post, to mainly say… YAAAAAAAY!

After a year of hard work, culminating in the last three months of research, reading, writing and editing, it’s all done! I submitted my final dissertation this week, and so closed this latest chapter of my life. Goodbye student life!

It’s a strange feeling to move away from such an intensive year of graduate study. I find myself beaming in moments of unadulterated joy that I’ve finally finished, immediately followed by flashes of guilt that “I’m sure that I should be doing something productive”. And for sure, I still have a long to-do list – but all the stuff that I used to do to procrastinate from my studies is all the stuff that’s on the list now!

Daydreaming on paper with site structure, jotting down drafts and ideas, designing and ordering my shiny new business cards… It’s hard to think of these tasks as “work” when it all falls under the umbrella of chasing the dream and living my passion. I can even justify my mild (ahem) social media addiction, considering I’m embarking on a career that will directly involve keeping in touch with all of you lovely folk! Most of my time on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter over the last few months has been spent with my Happy Chanter hat on, in anticipation of finally being able to launch this site and throw myself into it.

With the site coming together and the move to Thailand looming ever closer, this is the most exciting new era I could ever hope to set out on. I am so very #grateful to have the opportunity to take this new direction, and excited to tell you all about every step along the way!

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