When it comes to spiritual (or self-improvement) practice, everyone has different preferences. Some like meditation, some prefer yoga, some do mindfulness practices, some talk to angels… I think that all practices can ultimately connect you to the same energy that lies within and around us, so it doesn’t really matter which particular practice resonates with you. […]
Thanks In Advance! How To Get Whatever You Want In 3 Simple Steps
Imagine having a conversation like this with a friend: “Hey buddy! Thanks so much!” “For what?” “That 100 quid!” “Ummm… what 100 quid?” “The 100 quid you’re going to give me!” “What, you need a loan?” “Haha! No, not a loan, you’re just gonna give it to me!” “Ehhh are you crazy? I can barely afford to […]
How To Be Happy: Savour Every Sensation
You can be happy, right here, right now. It is possible to summon a feeling of joy in every single moment, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. And if it is possible to consciously create a joyful moment, doesn’t it then follow that you can bring that practice that to every moment and create a […]
Divine Mutilation: Malaysia’s Thaipusam Festival 2016
My first stop in Malaysia was a short visit to the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. And as luck (or the Universe) would have it, this trip just happened to coincide perfectly with a Tamil Hindu festival I hadn’t heard of – Thaipusam! Turns out this one is a pretty big deal in the Hindu calendar, and is also […]
Koh Lanta, My Lanta – Living In Paradise
As my time in Ko Lanta draws to close (for now at least), I realised I’ve been holding back a bit from you guys. I’ve talked a little bit before about how difficult it can be to really open up and put myself out there publicly through a blog. This is a continual work in progress for […]
Serenity In Solitude – Why You Should Spend More Time With Your Self
From my last post you might be forgiven for thinking that life on Lanta is a never-ending party. Well I guess you wouldn’t be entirely wrong; there is always a party to go to with fantastic people if and when you’re in the mood. However, my most profound and rewarding moments on this beautiful island have come when […]
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – What’s It All About Anyway?
After posting about how I started chanting, I’ve had a few comments from you guys asking for more information about nam myoho renge kyo, what it means and how to try it out. I’m delighted to see some interest in this practice and I can’t wait to hear how you get on! Why not even […]
What Has Chanting Ever Done For Me?
Since I set out on this journey, launching this blog and telling more and more people about nam myoho renge kyo, people have often asked me how exactly this chanting practice has impacted upon my life? How does it work? What exactly does it do for you? There is no easy answer to the bigger […]