God, The Universe, and Everything In Between

Last week’s blog post about the meaning and possible interpretations of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo generated some interesting discussions online, especially around one particular example: “I Am God”

I can very much relate to a certain level of resistance to a term that is inherently associated with a monotheistic concept, especially when used in the context of Buddhist practice and modern spirituality. I used to be just as opposed to the concept myself, but I wanted to explain in a bit more detail how I now think about God, and offer some more food for thought and discussion.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – Meaning and Interpretations

Chanting nam myoho renge kyo is a truly powerful practice which can transform your life and mindset in hugely positive ways. There are a few ways you can focus your mind when chanting, but the practice becomes even more profound when you focus your attention on the meaning of what you’re actually saying. Not just the literal translation of the words, but what they represent. This mantra is rich in history and symbolism and can be interpreted in various ways, but all really coming down to the same general idea.

How to Get What You Want: Create a Vision Board for What You Have

Vision boards are hugely popular, I see references to them and guides and templates for putting one together everywhere I look, especially at this time of year when everyone is making resolutions and plans and goals for the year ahead.

Usually, a vision board is created with the intention to immerse yourself in images of the things that you want, so you put up a picture to represent that new car you haven’t got yet, or that beach holiday you’re aching to go on, or that bank balance with more zeroes than you’ve ever had in your life. By meditating on this, imagining yourself as if you already have all these wonderful things, getting into that place of high energy and “Thanks in Advance” gratitude, the Universe will see your heart’s desire and conspire to make it happen. And it does work! Countless people have testified to how effective they can be.

However, I like to do things a bit differently…

Enchant Your Life in 2019

A New Year is a great time to start a healthy new habit, or to refresh old ones that may have lapsed or need a bit of a boost. This New Year, why not commit to your chanting practice to raise your Spirit, your energy, your wellness, your life in 2019? Whether you’re a seasoned nam myoho renge kyo pro or a total newbie, everything you need is right here.

21 Quotes From “Conversations With God”

Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God is one of my favourite books of all time, and one that resonated deeply with me when I first started getting into all this spiritual malarkey. The book is written as a dialogue between Walsch and “God”, after Walsch claimed to hear a response to his desperate plea for answers during a low period in his life. I understand that it may be a bit of stretch to ask you to believe that Walsch had an actual conversation with God (although for the record, yes I do believe it), but regardless, this book is full of beautiful insights and life lessons. This is a book I return to time and time again, and I wanted to share with you a selection of my favourite nuggets of wisdom within.

(PS If you like what you read here, you might consider buying your own copy!*)

5 Ways To Focus Your Mind While Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo

As spiritual practice goes, chanting is a relatively easy option. It can be challenging to quiet your mind and release stray thoughts during silent meditation. It can be difficult to bring a sense of mindfulness to every moment, especially the difficult ones. With chanting, however, all you really need to do is say the words. Out loud, regularly and consistently. After a while, you’ll even find that those meditation and mindfulness skills start to come naturally! You just need to start with nam myoho renge kyo.

People often ask what they should think about while chanting, and there is no right or wrong answer to that. The power of the words alone will be invoked no matter what you’re thinking about as you’re chanting.

However, there are several ways you can consciously direct your thoughts and intentions to get the best out of your chanting, or to complement any other spiritual or self-help practice.

Thanks In Advance! How To Get Whatever You Want In 3 Simple Steps

Imagine having a conversation like this with a friend:

“Hey buddy! Thanks so much!”
“For what?”
“That 100 quid!”
“Ummm… what 100 quid?”
“The 100 quid you’re going to give me!”
“What, you need a loan?”
“Haha! No, not a loan, you’re just gonna give it to me!”
“Ehhh are you crazy? I can barely afford to splash out 100 quid on myself, let alone just give it away!”

Sounds about right, yeah? After all, it would be a bit presumptuous to just assume someone is just going to give you something for nothing.

Well here’s the good news – the Universe LOVES presumption!