Enchant Your Life in 2019

A New Year is a great time to start a healthy new habit, or to refresh old ones that may have lapsed or need a bit of a boost. This New Year, why not commit to your chanting practice to raise your Spirit, your energy, your wellness, your life in 2019? Whether you’re a seasoned […]

A Return From Recess

The other day I was sitting on the beach here on Koh Lanta, my home away from home again this winter, watching this serenely beautiful sunset. I was thinking about someone, a person in my life whom I have come to love beyond measure.

A New Year: Reflections and Hope

Well, 2016 has been a real humdinger of a year, amiright?! On a global level, it has sometimes felt like the world is collapsing around us. We’ve lost so many incredible artists and global icons. We’ve witnessed political calamities unfolding like Brexit and the election of Trump. In public commentary, behaviour and voting patterns we’ve […]

7 Easy Ways To Chant nam-myoho-renge-kyo

When it comes to spiritual (or self-improvement) practice, everyone has different preferences. Some like meditation, some prefer yoga, some do mindfulness practices, some talk to angels… I think that all practices can ultimately connect you to the same energy that lies within and around us, so it doesn’t really matter which particular practice resonates with you. […]

How To Be Happy: Savour Every Sensation

You can be happy, right here, right now. It is possible to summon a feeling of joy in every single moment, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. And if it is possible to consciously create a joyful moment, doesn’t it then follow that you can bring that practice that to every moment and create a […]